
Synapse Usage


Today I want to talk to you about Synapse, in this post I’ll walk you through the main features of the application in its private beta version. This is a mobile web application, desktop and mobile application are still in development.

As soon as you launch the app you presented with the Login screen:

Login Screen.png

You can see the login options; which include Facebook, GitHub and the Email/password alternative, pick anyone you like.

After you log in, you’ll be redirected to the Groups:

Groups Screen.png

In this screen, you can see a grid with all the groups created, each group tile has a description of the group. Once you tap on a group you’ll be redirected to the group’s profile, where you can see all the relevant information of the group including: logo, name, quantity of members, description and actions that you can take for this group.

Group join.png

The first one we can see in a group profile is join: by tapping this option you’re taking to the join request screen to fill your information and submit your request.

join request.png

The second option you have is Members: inside this screen there are two filter options, member is to see all the members of this group and Hierarchy is to see the users and their referrals.

Members screen.png

Inside the Members screen you can tap the user to access their profile with the relevant information, in this view if you’re member of the group you can add you rating for your group partner as shown in this image below:

Member profile.png

The third action is Hire, this screen has two filter options; the first one is for the members can see a list of all the group’s task and the second one is to see the tasks “assigned to me”. The task tile displays this information: task name, assignee name, assignee picture and task status.

My Task Screen.png

You can tap the plus (+) button at the bottom of the screen to create a New Task. The information required to create a new task is: name, description, due date, payment method and assignee, the user can also add an attachment if needed.

You can also tap on any task to display a detailed view. In this screen, the user can edit the task to change the status and assignee. If you tap the attachment file then the file is downloaded.

Task Details Screen 2.png

Going back to the Groups screen you can tap the “person” icon in the navigation bar, this will take you to the My Profile screen where you can see your information and access your actions: create group, personal information, task and log out.

The first action you have is to create a new group, when the user taps this option the New Group screen is displayed with all the required fields; name, country, description and avatar or logo.

New Group.png

The second option is to edit the personal information displayed at your own profile. The third option is to access the Tasks asigned to you and created by you.

The fourth option is the Log out, if you tap in this action the actual user is taken out of the application and log in is required use it again.

Going back to the Navigation bar you can tap in the “World” icon to access the notification screen, tap on a notification to access the details and actions inside.

Notifications Screen 2.png

This is a Join Request notification shown below, in the detail screen the user can see all the relevant information regarding the request like group involved, user attempting to join, message, referral, date of submission and attachment. You can take the action of accepting or rejecting the request.

As we add features to Synapse we’ll post more articles describing those features.

Synapse Introduction

Synapse Introduction

A platform for the creation of groups with common interests. In Synapse, you can build professional networks to create services and products to sell worldwide or to support a social cause. In each group members get a monthly rating from their peers to build up a reputation. Each group has tasks to coordinate their efforts, which can be billable or not.

For an explanation of the private beta see the following link: Synapse Usage


Empower individuals to reach economic independence by allowing them to tap into the global economy to create communities with multiple distributed revenue models.

Audacious Goals

Decentralize innovation, wealth and capital through a software platform to enable individuals to build international and distributed communities by reducing business operations overhead with automation and delegation

Current Features

Online Communities: called groups in the application. You can build your group to gather people with similar goals

Collaboration tools: track your activities through tasks

Mentorship: the most experience members of the groups have incentives to support and teach new members. Mentorship is part of the Synapse culture

Global reach: connect, share knowledge and work with people from all over the world

Reputation system: people are ranked in each group by their peers and their clients

Upcoming Features

Billing: automatic billing for communities build with for profit goals. Currently you can work on open source or social impact projects.

Escrow: holding client funds

Arbitration: providing conflict resolution between clients requesting services and the professionals providing them even if they are in different countries. First two countries to be included will be Costa Rica and the United States followed by the rest of Latin America and eventually Europe and Asia through partnership with arbitrators in those countries.

We are not a job board site

We are different from freelancing sites that create a race to the bottom where becoming the cheapest rate per hour is what makes a professional competitive.
